Franklin HS class of 2019 | AJ's Sneak Peek

Here's the real, unfiltered truth.

Sometimes I photograph high school seniors who are just not that into being photographed. I get it: Mom is making you do it, Grandma is pestering you for an updated picture for the wall, your school has a yearbook photo deadline you have to meet or they'll use your school ID photo (noooooo!!!!!). 

But the fact is, no matter how badly you don't want your photo taken, it just makes me WANT to photograph you even more. (nanny nanny boo boo!) This goes for grownups, too. Nearly everyone comes in and says, "I hate having my photo taken," or "I'm not photogenic at all."

I don't buy it.

I submit, reasons #1, 2 and 3 for why you should hire a professional photographer.

Not because we are better trained at torturing you (though it may feel like it...). Rather, because we are trained in how to work with our clients - no matter who or how they are - to make them more comfortable in front of the camera.

When I first meet a client on location, I talk to them. Really, I babble. I ask them questions. Then I coach them through some basics of posing. Throughout the session I guide them through different ways to sit and stand for my camera. The key, I have found, is to make it as natural and easy as possible for the subject. 

The results?

This is my favorite part! More often than not, they are literally SHOCKED to see the first few shots on the back of my camera. Hmm... maybe "shocked" is not the best choice of words...

Pleasantly surprised and overwhelmed with joy is more like it.

So.... Does this sound like a portrait experience you could learn to appreciate? Let's talk!

Here is AJ from Franklin High School's class of 2019.

The real, unfiltered truth on AJ? He knocked it out of the park during his session. He may have not been so thrilled to be in front of the camera, but he did SO GREAT that I actually had to make myself put my camera away or I'd keep shooting. Thanks AJ for being such good sport. You rock!


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