Kettle Moraine HS senior portraits | class of 2017 | Nick

Today is yet another high school graduation celebration! Let's send a big shout-out to Nick and his family for a successful senior year at Kettle Moraine High School. Woot woot!

I had a fun time working with Nick on his senior portraits. First of all, he's got a great sense of humor. Lucky for me, he totally went along with my stupid 4th grade jokes.

Nick is an artist. He loves to draw and create new characters from his imagination. 

Coincidentally, there were a few (non-imaginary) characters watching us during his photo shoot.... 

So, you see, Nick lives on a FARM. Those guys are his goats! And they wanted in on the action. 

I always like to ask students if they have a favorite teacher. Nick did, and was glad to tell me why. Mr. Barder kept the class entertained and he taught so Nick stayed focused.

Nick may be unique in his likes, dislikes, wishes and desires, but one thing I observed from our conversation is that he is a classic-minded kid. He likes Billy Joel, Barnes & Noble and the color blue. You can't go wrong with that!

Random Fact: The tree in this photo is certified as the largest tree in southeast Wisconsin. It's so big you can't even hug it! 

At the end of Nick's photo shoot/tour around his farm, we met up with a VIP -- a Very Important Pup.

Congratulations to Nick on his graduation from Kettle Moraine High School. I can't wait to see what you do with your future!

Click to watch Nick’s Time Capsule Video


Greendale HS senior portraits | class of 2017 | Sam


Tosa East HS Senior Portraits | class of 2017 | Sydney