Local Business Spotlight | Jo Ann Toporski


Jo Ann Toporski


Jo Ann Toporski Social Media Management and Web Design



Who is your ideal client?

Entrepreneurs and Small Businesses

How did you get started in your field of work?

I got started twofold.  I've always had a passion for technology - I'm a Geek :)  And I started giving seminars and training and created a hobby business, The Joy of Computing, in 2007. At the same time, I was also the VP of Sales for an International Software Company and, it became evident that companies, including mine, needed to understand social selling as part of their strategy to grow their business.  So I started working with my company and our partners and customers to understand social selling and LinkedIn.  That grew into my love of other social platforms, and the rest is history.  Of course, there was also a lot of training and certifications needed before I could start my business.

What is something people THINK they know about your job?

Social media management isn’t just about posting content to a business’s social media channels. A good social media manager is not just someone who owns a smartphone and happens to enjoy social media in their personal life. Just because you watch TV doesn’t mean you can produce television ad campaigns, and the same is true for social media.  

Name one thing you WISH people knew about your job?

I'm not "just on Facebook" all day and there's no such thing as 9 to 5.

What do you love most about your job?

Helping my clients develop and nurture their online relationships and have success growing their business.

What advice would you give to someone starting out in your industry?

Get the foundation knowledge and form relationships with industry influencers.

I'm also a Certified Online Business Manager. This helps me focus on the big picture and bring my expertise in project management, launch management, and team management to help my clients. 

What is the ONE book that you think I should read RIGHT NOW?

Known by Mark W. Schaefer and any book by David Meerman Scott




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