Arrowhead HS Class of 2021 | Alexa + Grant
I’ll be honest - twins are fascinating to me. They are can be so alike - with good reason, they are twins! - yet sometimes distinctly different in little ways. They read each other without needing to open the book. I’ve heard stories about twins feeling each other’s pain but I’ve never been brave enough to ask any of the twins I know if that’s actually true.
Today I’d like to introduce you to a set of the sweetest twins - Alexa and Grant. Like I so eloquently stated above (lol) - they are so similar and yet so different at the same time. They look strikingly similar (duh). Grant is a little more quiet than Alexa yet dotes over his sister like a big brother would. (Is he “older”? I’m not sure.) They flow together like yin and yang. Completely adorable!
Why don’t you see who I’m talking about. Here is Alexa and Grant, class of 2021 graduates from Arrowhead High School.
Alexa + Grant Sievert
Arrowhead High School
October 10, 2020
Hart Park, Wauwatosa
robotics, Decca, band, MYSO, NHS
robotics, track, actuarily science
“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.”
Congratulations, you two! I wish you the best of luck in your bright, shiny futures! Congrats on your graduation!
Whether you want your senior photos by yourself or with your twin, let’s make your vision become a reality. Celebrate YOU with unique senior portraits that you will love forever. Get on my schedule before I’m filled up for the season.