Tosa West HS class of 2020 Sneak Peek | Natasha

Another Sneak Peek, another day.

But this isn’t just any Sneak Peek.

This is a ballerina. Traffic stopping, little girl giggling, mom (and photographer) jumping for joy Sneak Peek.

This is Natasha.


During her portrait session we stopped traffic (well, ok, WE actually stopped for traffic). Little girls dining with their families in the Village were giggling and dreaming about the day they could be that pretty and grown up and a BALLERINA. All the while, Natasha’s mom and I were just GLOWING with joy and pride. She really is a stunning young woman.

Fun Dancer Fact #304

Did you know that a dancer’s toe shoes, when worn out, are called DEAD? It’s so… dramatic. They aren’t worn out. They aren’t retired. They’re DEAD. Oh my. Remind me not to be a pair of shoes when I grow up.

Learn more about senior photos HERE. I’m still booking sessions for the Class of 2020.

Perhaps a fall family session is more your speed? HERE is the info on that.


Tosa East HS class of 2020 Sneak Peek | Drew


Tosa West HS class of 2020 Sneak Peek | Maggie